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Center for Holocaust and Humanity Education, 2000 – 2010
Presidents Joe Hale, Dick Weiland, Dick Friedman, Mark Weisser
In 2000, The Center for Holocaust and Humanity Education (CHHE) opened on the Cincinnati Campus of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion with Dr. Racelle Weiman as director. The space included offices and a Resource Library for teachers. The Center expanded the annual Yom HaShoah commemoration to include a series of Holocaust Awareness programs across the tri-state including presentations by educators and authors, concerts, films and exhibits.
During 2001 and 2002, CHHE developed and funded a permanent exhibit geared toward young people called Mapping Our Tears, which opened to the public in 2003. Conceived by former director Dr. Racelle Weiman, the exhibit combines audio and video testimonies with artifacts and memorabilia of more than 60 local eyewitnesses. Project Manager Gail Ziegler worked closely with the Survivor community to ensure their stories and artifacts were featured in the exhibit. Board President Joe Hale spearheaded fundraising efforts from the corporate community.  Since its creation, over 20,000 students and community members have toured the exhibit.
After years of nurturing from HUC-JIR, CHHE was now capable of standing on its own and re-launched as an independent organization.  Board President Dick Weiland, with the help of Marc Randolph and numerous board members, guided CHHE through this transition to an independent not-for-profit organization.
In 2006, Dick Friedman was elected Board President and Sarah Weiss was appointed Acting Director, then Executive Director in 2007. Mark Weisser assumed the presidency in 2009.
In October 2009, with full community support, CHHE moved to Rockwern Academy in Kenwood. The new location has proven mutually beneficial for both CHHE and Rockwern.  It offers convenient access to city and suburban schools, expanded museum, resource and classroom space, and collaborative opportunities for teachers and students.  
Cincinnati Judaica Fund| 8401 Montgomery Road | Cincinnati, OH 45236 | 513-241-5748
Center for Holocaust and Humanity Education | 8401 Montgomery Road | Cincinnati, OH 45236 | 513-487-3055
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