June 29 1905
A Wild Cry from Cincinnati.
SUCH curious things hap-pen. For example, the person who writes book reviews for the American Israelite, of Cincinnati, dis-covered in an editorial para-graph in LIFE'S issue of Apri 1 27th, "the most reprehensible
expressions and insinuations against the Jew " that he had yet found in an American journal. " Bigotry, hatred and suspicion against Jews in gen-eral " he charged us with, and " anti-Semitic filth," and so on, and more so, for nearly a column. What ails the man we cannot imagine. We find that the paragraph that upset him contained nothing that could offend any sane Jew, unless it was the statement that the Russian Jews have lately come to New York in large and increasing droves, " and accumulate in this town very much as mud accumulates at the mouth of a great river." So they do : precisely. The great current of immigration from South-western Europe brings them to New York by the thousand and there drops them, just as the current of a great river carries mud along down with it and drops it at its mouth. There is neither charge nor innuendo about these words, but mere statement of fact. The New York Herald lately quoted Mr. Brandenburg, an immigration officer, as saying : By the use of much money and much influence the United Hebrew Charities succeeded in remov-ing from New York in a whole year just as many Hebrews as arrived in one week. The half million on the east side are supported by the 75,000 wage earners in the tailoring trades or kindred employ-ments. They are settled in New York because their jobs are here. Remove the factories to the West or South and the Ghetto will shrink to a couple of streets.
We don't greatly mind being thumped by any of the esteemed Jewish pa-pers as may find cause to do it, or profit in the exer-cise, but the thumping should be done with more judgment than our Cin-cinnati friend has shown,
Identifer: CJF-RFC2013166
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