Report of Cincinnati Jewish Welfare Fund Campain of 1938-39 to the Cincinnati Jewish Community Council


*JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE 'L  $117,500.00 *UNITED PALESTINE APPEAL (Jewish National Fund) *Emergency Fund for European Crises  3,500.00 *National Coordinating Committee  7,500.00 *Care of Refugee Children  2,000.00 *Resettlement of Refugees  15,000.00 *American Jewish Committee  2,500.00 *American Jewish Congress.  1,450.00 *Bnai Brith Wider Scope & Anti-Defamation.  4,800.00 Bureau of Jewish Education.     19,350.00 Cincinnati Yeshiva 3,500.00 Council Federation & Welfare Funds  1,100,00 Ex-Patients Tubercular Home, Denver  500.00 *Hadassah Medical Org. & Youth Aliyah  4,000.00 *Hebrew Sheltering Immigrant Aid Soc.  2,000.00 Hebrew University of Jerusalem  3,000.00 Hechalutz Organization of America...  350.00 Jewish Consumptives' Relief Soc., Denver..  3,400.00 Jewish Infants' Home, Ohio 350.00 *Jewish Telegraphic Agency      2,000.00 Jewish Welfare Board  300.00 Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital 300.00 Los Angeles Sanatorium & Ex-Patient's Home   700.00 National Farm School.._      750.00 National Home Jewish Children, Denver  1,200.00 National Jewish Hospital, Denver.   5,720.00 *National Labor Committee for Palestine  2,500.00 *Ort Federation   3,500,00 Price Hill Center       500.00 Pro-Falasha Committee 150.00 Cultural and Educational Agencies.       3,700.00 a. Hebrew Teacher's College   $300 b. Hebrew Theological College  200 c. Histadruth Ivrith   200 d. Jewish Chautauqua Society.   200 e. Jewish Teachers' Seminary  250 f. Jewish Theological Seminary    500 g. Menorah Association   500 h. Palestine Orchestra Fund, Inc.     500 i. Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Yeshivah   550 j. Yiddish Scientific Institute   100 k. Young Judea 400 European Institutions and Yeshivahs  4,300.00 Miscellaneous Demands ...... ........ .....   ..... ................. 7,375.00 Administration & Campaign Costs, Etc 7,000.00 Undesignated Fund, TOTAL  $231,795.00
*Agencies engaged in Meeting Problems Overseas — Total, $168,250.00.

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Cincinnati Judaica Fund| 8401 Montgomery Road | Cincinnati, OH 45236 | 513-241-5748
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