"Sunday Parshas Vayakhel Pekudei 1966
For the great man the great rabbi of lots of accomplishments of torah and of saving souls Rabbi Eliezer Silver the head of the bais din of Cincinnati
Peace and blessings onto you
I am sure that the master remembers my promise to give a letter for the great mitzvah of saving souls from Romania. Unfortunately because of different obstacles with the combination of my physical weakness I have been delayed in writing the letter. Now please accept my letter and if your honor would like to add something please do. May god bless you that you should be able to learn torah and do mitzvos for many years to come. And we should merit to see the consolation of our people with the raising of the banner of torah and we should merit the fulfillment of the prophets “the world will fill with knowledge of god like an overflowing river" with the coming of the messiah may it come speedily in our days.
With blessings for a happy holiday
Your trusted friend ELIEZER ZUSIA PORTUGAL
Identifer: CJF.2012.002.1852
Letters to and from Rabbi Silver
Kneseth Israel Congregation Collection
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