Southern Israelite, "Jewish War Veterans Give Flood Relief," article from 2/5/1937
Jewish War Veterans Give Flood Relief
(Continued from Page 1) water, have sufferd heavy loses. Through the local Red Cross Rabbi Silver has arranged for the distri-bution of kosher food to the refu-gees here. He has also made ar-rangements for the water-beleag-uered Jews of Louisville to get kosher meat by means of a special transport system.
Cincinnati (WNS)—Ten thou-sand pounds of fresh matzoth pro-ducts from the Cincinnati plant of the B. Manischewitz Company have been donated to the flood sufferers, according to word re-ceived here by C. A. Dykstra, city manager and dictator of the flood relief committee. Mr. Dykestra announced that he was using the matzoth products in all hospitals and public institutions.
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