From The American Israelite - Cincinnati, Ohio
May 29, 1924
Prospect Place Synagog.
On Saturday morning H. A. Liebovitz will speak on the subject, “The Old and the New Israel.”
The closing exercises of the Sabbath School took place last Sunday. The Sabbath School will reopen in the fall, after the Holidays.
The installation of Rabbi Liebovitz took place Sunday afternoon, at the Synagog, which was packed to capacity. Rabbi Saul Silber, of Chicago, installed the Rabbi. Rabbi Broude spoke about the obligations between Rabbi and Congregation. Harry Stern spoke on behalf of the Congregation. Following the installation ceremony, a banquet was given in honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Liebovitz at the Veterans’ Club, on Melrose Avenue, for about 200 guests. Harry Stern acted as toastmaster. The speakers were Rev. Dr. Saul Silber, Rev. Dr. A. Broude, Rabbi Harry Manischewitz, Mr. Max Manischewitz, Samuel Lehman, President of the Pearl-Market bank, Ben Karp, Harry Stern and Rabbi Liebovitz.
A well-known Cantor will officiate Friday night and Saturday morning.
Identifer: CJF-2014517
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