The Ansche Polen Congregation, Prospect Place, Avondale
Announce to the Jewish community of Avondale that they have succeeded to elect the well known Rabbi and orator.
Dr. H. A. Liebovitz
as their Rabbi and spiritual leader.
It is the aim and purpose of the Rabbi to bring in new life into the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewry in every respect.
Dr. Liebovitz will hold FRIDAY NIGHT LECTURES in English and will preach at Saturday Morning Services in Yiddish.
He will establish a SABBATH SCHOOL on Sunday Morning from 10 to 12. He will also organize the grown up boys and girls in educational and literary societies, and will lecture before them regularly.
He also intends to take a hand in all the Jewish matters in the city of Cincinnati.
Therefore, Sisters and Brothers, we appeal to you, come and get acquainted with our Rabbi. Come with your wives and children and listen to this powerful orator. Send your children to our Sabbath School. Join our Congregation; help us and our newly elected Rabbi to carry on the great and holy cause to make Cincinnati a leading city of American Jewry.
Identifer: CJF-2014517
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