The Yiddish is translated as follows:
Great Jewish Leaders
Guests in Cincinnati
The Head of the Chabad Chasidim Lubavitch
[Most of the first two lines of small typeface are Hebrew expressions of admiration, etc. :]
…from the Schneerson family, with a rabbinic committee are coming to Cincinnati
Sunday, 4 Shevet the 10th of January at half past four in the afternoon
Come to greet the great guests
[in pencil: 5703 {1943}]
The Lubavitcher and Liadier chasidish world of “Chabad” are known for their greatness in Torah and leadership for the past two hundred years. [They have] undergone trials of the soul for the spread of Torah, yeshiva and fear of heaven in the entire world.
A grand reception is being prepared for the guests by the united committee for the benefit [?בענאה*] of all the shuls.
A “chicken supper” [transliterated from English] is being prepared for several hundred ba’alei batim and their families to honor the guests at Forest Avenue shul, Sunday evening at 7 o’clock.
All lovers of Torah and distinguished ba’alei batim, men and women, are invited to come. [Hebrew: Give honor to the g’dolei Torah.] Come hear the message from the great “leaders of the word,” and the blessing of the Lubavitcher Rebbi. Our Rav md”a [moreh d’asrah], hgr”a הגרא* Silver and the guests הרהג* will address
With respect and blessing
The United Welcoming Committee
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