AUGUST 29, 1941
Call For Establishment Of Autonomous Jewish Palestine
BALTIMORE (JPS) — Declaring that the Agudas Israel, orthodox Jewish organization, is prepared to co-operate with all responsible Jewish bodies interested in the upbuilding of Palestine, Rabbi Jacob Rosenhelm, its world President, stated before the opening of its third annual convention that his organization favored a Jewish majority in an autonomous Jewish Palestine.
The Agudas Israel of America was placed on record as opposing the inclusion of Palestine in any pan-Arabic federation following the war. This stand was formulated by Rabbi Eliezer Silver of Cincinnati, president of the American body.
In his address calling for united effort on the part of all organized Jewry in behalf of Palestine, Rabbi Rosenheim urged that provision be made for the settlement of 1,000,000 Jews in the Jewish homeland to help relieve the plight of European Jewry as well as to strengthen the position of the Jewish community in Palestine. He categorically denied the charge of separation which had been leveled at the Agudas Israel.
"The convention must be mindful of the fact that it is meeting in a time of the greatest crisis in world history. I hope therefore that your deliberations will serve the basic interests of true democracy."
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