Ohio Orthodox Rabbinate to Urge State Drive On ‘Kosher Style’
Cincinnati (JP) - A move by orthodox rabbis to have the state prosecute manufacturers who use the ‘kosher style’ slogan in advertising their meats was revealed yesterday by Rabbi Eliezer Silver, chief Orthodox rabbi of Cincinnati.
Rabbi Silver state that the Ohio attorney general believes that the orthodox group has a case against the “kosher style” meat manufacturers. The orthodox leader further disclosed that a committee of rabbis from such cities as Cincinnati, Columbus, and Toledo are planning a meeting with Ohio Governor Frank Lausche to discuss the possibility of having the state act against the meat manufacturers under present laws.
If the governor refuses to have the attorney general begin judicial proceedings, then individual cases of Jews, who have eaten the “kosher style” meat, and allegedly suffered damages will be initiated in the state courts, Rabbi Silver said.
Asserting “that of the 23 states having laws concerning kosher food, and regulating such advertisement, Ohio, in my opinion, has the strongest statute,” Rabbi Silver emphasized that the existing law will “more than serve our purposes of protecting the Jewish public.”
“I believe that this ‘kosher style’ business is meant to fool the public,” Rabbi Silver said. “Kosher style means only, religious style, and there an be but one religious kosher law. If these manufacturers want to use the symbol, ‘Jewish style’ that would be all right, but not ‘kosher style’.”
Manufacturers of “kosher style” meats, through their representatives, indicated that they would fight the issue through the courts. Yet, they seemed to feel, if the battle in the courts were lost, no immediate harm would come to their business.
On sausage maker stated, “If we lose, we will simply change our ‘kosher style’ labels to ‘all beef’ labels. A loss in the courts will not hurt our business. We are increasing our sales, and while we respect Rabbi Silver, we don’t believe that we are trying to fool the public. None of our meat is sold to kosher stores. We make no pretext at being kosher."
Identifer: CJF-2014527
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