FEBRUARY 3, 1972
Mr. JACKSON. Mr. President, I wish to introduce at this time a bill to author-ize a 2-year, $250 million program to enable the United States to assist Israel in receiving and resettling the persecuted Jews of the Soviet Union. This program calls for the appropriation of $100 mil-lion in fiscal year 1972 and $150 million in fiscal year 1973. Called the "Soviet Jewish Refugee Relief Act of 1972," my measure would authorize and direct the President to establish a program of fi-nancial aid and other assistance to Israel and other countries for the movement of Jewish refugees from the Soviet Union and for the resettlement and support of such refugees. A new bill is needed if we are to move effectively to help relieve the inhuman suffering of the Russian Jews. Amending existing legislation just will not do the job. With the passage of this measure, we will be creating and authorizing fund-ing for a new and dramatic humanitarian program. The right to free emigration is basic and fundamental to human liberty. Without this right national borders be-come prison walls. At a time when the brave Soviet Jews have been risking their lives in pursuit of freedom, the least we can do is offer material aid to assist in their resettlement.
To provide financial and other aid to enable the United States to assist Jewish refugees to emigrate from the Soviet Union to Israel or the country of their choice.
Be it enacted by the Senate and house of Representa-tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That this Act may be cited as the "Soviet Jewish RefugeeĀ Relief Act of 1972". DECLARATION OF POLICY SEC. 2. The Congress hereby declares its deep concern at the inhuman suffering of the Jews of the Soviet Union at the hands of organized and unrelenting religious persecution and affirms the responsibility of the United States, consistent with its tradition of religious freedom and respect for human dignity, to assist to the best of its ability to secure and sustain the opportunity and ability of Soviet Jews to emigrate to Israel or other country of their choice.
SEC. 3. (a.) The President is hereby authorized and directed to establish a program of financial aid and other assistance to Israel and other countries to achieve the pur-poses of this Act. (b) The purposes of this program shall be to provide financial and other appropriate assistance to Israel and other countries for the movement of Jewish refugees from the Soviet Union and for the resettlement and support of such refugees in Israel or other countries. SEC. 4. There is hereby authorized to be appropriated $100,000,000 for fiscal year 1972 and $150,000,000 for fiscal year 1973 to carry out the purposes of this Act.
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