The central portion shows an American eagle and the biblical figure of Abraham. Around the outside of this central section is inscribed: "U.S. Grand Lodge Order Brith Abraham Instituted June 12, 1859. Incorporated March 30 1888 and re-incorporated Feb.3rd 1900
Identifer: CJF-RFC2015109
The Order of B'rith Abraham was a Jewish men's fraternal order was first established in New York City on June 12, 1859. It was organized in a lodge system and provided fraternal benefits to its members such as funeral, sick and death benefits to survivors of members.
The order suffered a schism in 1887, when several lodges felt that the governing body of the order was incompetent. The breakaway branch formed the "Independent Order of B'rith Abraham". This branch is no longer in existence today, as it merged with the B'nai Zion in 1981.
The Order of of B'rith Abraham (the original parent body) is now defunct also.
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