Depicts one hand supporting another and in the middle, the verse “Each one shall help his neighbor and tell his brother to be strong” (Isaiah 41.6) in Hebrew, which expresses the motto of Yad Sara. (The first Hebrew word in the verse also represents the initials of the Yad Sara Association.)
Identifer: CJF-RFC2015170
Although equipment loans remain the backbone of Yad Sara’s services, it has gradually added many new ones according to the needs of those who need them. Thus Yad Sara expanded with new services, including a laundry service for the bedridden and incontinent; the Nechonit van for transporting the disabled to doctors, shopping or visits to relatives; emergency beepers for those who live alone; round the clock oxygen supplies; hot meals on wheels; home visits; a dental clinic for the elderly; a coffee house for old people to eat in and be entertained; a grandpa/grandma sitting service; and a day-care center for the severely disabled. It also introduced a small home repair service in Jerusalem, with volunteers putting up shelves, changing light bulbs, installing peep-holes and door security chains and unclogging drains for elderly people unable to fend for themselves.
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