There is an inspiration, blessed above all,
That plants a seed so holy, and maketh Man grow tall.
The source if often humble, in terms of mortal men,
But royal in the highest, as inscribed by heaven’s pen.
It all begins with prayer, “And thou shalt love the Lord,”
Then strides into eternity along the silver cord,
As parents teach with diligence unto their children dear
And write upon the door posts, to keep these words so near.
Among the Lord’s commandments for frontlets mid our eyes,
When we do walk along the way, when we do sit or rise,
Is honor of our parents, who taught us what is right,
To thank the Lord for strength by day and restful sleep at night.
And so, upon this holy day, to them we dedicate
A cup of life that shall be full when moment seem so late;
A home where strength shall be renewed, to bring forth smiles from tears,
Adding years unto their lives, and life unto their years.
Identifer: CJF-OJH2015002
Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged - Cincinnati, Ohio
The dedication day for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged took place on September 15, 1963.
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