Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged


President ---
Jacob Jacobson
Roy Adams
Mrs. Ben Bernstein
Sidney Brant
Joe Cohen
Aba Dennis
Mrs. Sidney Deutsch
Charles Frolkin
Vice President ---
Isidore Butchkes
Ben Ritter
Nathan Steinberg
Mrs. Sam H. Gertzman
Albert Harris
Robert Jacobs
Max F. Kraus
Jack I. Lashkow
Mrs. Samuel Shapira
Financial Secretary ---
Eli Fogel
Dr. Harry Lepsky
Louis Lerner
Morris G. Levin
Al Levine
Morris Mendell
Ben Moskowitz
Louis Neman
Recording Secretary---
Mrs. Sarah Spaler
Dr. Sidney A. Parless
Arthur Rabkin
George Rosen
Jack Sachs
Louis Schulman
Harry Solomon
Milton Wacksman
Morris Weintraub
Honorary Directors: Fred Wieland, Mrs. Dora Fisher, Mrs. Harry Guttman, Mrs. Emma Kahn
President, Mrs. Sidney Deutsch
Vice Pres., Mrs. Louis Effron
Treasurer, Mrs.  Joseph Blackman
Secretary, Mrs. Ide Wacksman
Honorary President, Mrs. Ben Bernstein
President, Mrs. Samuel Gertzman
Vice Pres., Mrs. Herman Petricoff
Secretary, Mrs. I. Glanzberg
Corr. Secretary, Mrs. Edward Lisner
Financial Secretary, Mrs. Joseph Cohen
Treasurer, Mrs. Charles Litwack


  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged

Identifer: CJF-OJH2015002


Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged - Cincinnati, Ohio

The dedication day for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged took place on September 15, 1963.

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Dedication Day Invitation for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged

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