Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged


Through the unceasing efforts and enthusiastic cooperation of the following firms, together with the many others involved in construction, residents of the Orthodox Home will be able to greet the New Year, 5724, in their new home:
Architects – F. E. Betz & Associates
Consulting Engineers – Beineke & Associates
General Contractor – Arthur Rabkin, Construction Co., Inc
Edward Jacobs, Building Campaign Chairman
Max Bernstein, Chairman – Board of Governors
Honor thy Father and Mother,
For by thy deed shall be
Filled the Cup of Life
For those who gave us our


  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged
  • Dedication Day Program Booklet for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged

Identifer: CJF-OJH2015002


Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged - Cincinnati, Ohio

The dedication day for the Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged took place on September 15, 1963.

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