December 10 1989
anyone, or to raise her voice. She showed great respect to Albert's parents, particularly her mother-in-law. Her grandchildren adored her. Her personality and "midos" made her beloved throughout the Jewish community and nowhere more than in this Syna-gogue. Sadye Harris (b. Oct. 12, 1903) was one of four daughters of Faiga and Aaron Linowitz, all of whom were born in Russia. Their son, Louis, was born in Cincinnati. The father, a watchmaker, came to Cincinnati first and soon after, Faiga and the girls arrived here in 1906. Aaron took a job with Lunkenheimer, an old Cincinnati tool company, and did watch and jewelry work on the side. The children attended the Sixth District school to the sixth grade, later Washburn school for the seventh and eighth grades. At high school age, Sadye had to work during the day and attend night high school at Woodward, also called East Night High School. She did office work at Globe Tailoring until her mar-riage to Albert in 1923 at the age of twenty. According to brother Sam Harris, "It was the dream of our parents and grandparents to further all Jewish causes and particularly Jewish education, and Al tried to carry out this dream." At the Cincinnati Hebrew Day School Israel Bonds dinner in 1979, Albert Harris stated , "I thank G-d for allowing me to do this work in our community and I hope to continue it. I pledge to continue to work in supporting and developing Jewish education in the City of Cincinnati.”
Identifer: CJF-NAS2015001
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