Article Regarding the 1905 Election of Officers by the Agudas HaRabonim, including Rabbi Lesser as Honorary President

August 3 1905

Election of Officers at Springfield, Mass., Today.
SPRINGFIELD, Mass., August 3 – The United Orthodox Rabbis of the United States, in a convention here, have elected Chief Rabbi A. G. Lesser of Cincinnati, who is retired from the presidency on account of illness, honorary president to succeed Rabbi Ridwos, who is now in Palestine. Rabbi S. E. Jaffee of New York will be acting president for the coming year, succeeding Rabbi Lesser.
The first and second vice presidents, new offices, are to be held by Chief Rabbi B. L. Levanthal of Philadelphia and Rabbi S. H. Wein of New York, respectively. Rabbi D. Ginsberg of Rochester, N. Y., was re-elected treasurer and Rabbi P. I. Israelite of Chelsea was re-elected secretary.
A mass meeting will be held tonight, when a memorial service will be held for the late Dr. Herzl, a former leader of the Zionist movement, and John Hay, late Secretary of State.
The place of meeting for next year will be selected by the executive committee, of which Rabbi Jaffe is chairman, later in the year.


  • Article Regarding the 1905 Election of Officers by the Agudas HaRabonim, including Rabbi Lesser as Honorary President
  • Article Regarding the 1905 Election of Officers by the Agudas HaRabonim, including Rabbi Lesser as Honorary President

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