Va’ad Ho’ier – Union of Congregations
[Member] Synagogues:
Knesses Israel
Ohav Sholom
Tiferes Tzion
R’ Schanese Synagogue
Anshei Sholom
Tiferes Israel
B’nei Yisroel
Great Beis Hamidrash
Yad Charutzim
Covington Synagogue
With the help of Hasehm Yisborach erev Rosh Hashanah
All Jews of Cincinnati, we wish you in the name of the Chief Rabbi [Eliezer Silver] and in the names of the members of the Va’ad Ho’ier representing all the above-named synagogues, have a happy, satisfying year
[Hebrew: May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year!]
For the year of our re-organization we wish to thank all baalei batim [householders], sons and daughters, of Cincinnati, who have helped us and given us courage to fortify the unity and strength of Torah, knowledge and the people here in the city.
One year since we were privileged B”H to receive as our Rav Hakollel the President of the Union of Rabbis [Hebrew: םופו ועד העולם םסוף הולך שמעו אשר* I think it means “whose voice is heard from one end of the world to the other,” but…]. Cincinnati has gotten its honor back. The world listens to our “word” “leader”. Cincinnati earns the heart of the land’s rabbinate. We have reason to be proud.
The Rabbi and the Va’ad Ho’ier are satisfied for the first year with your cooperation. The path for Orthodoxy is paved. We know who is who. And without regard to the many obstacles, we go our way strongly committed to strengthening Judaism, uprooting lawlessness [anarchy?] and lifting the honor of Torah, honor of the rabbinate and honor of Israel.
Much has been left to complete, much to build and to change. We await help, but looking back we can be proud.
The yeshiva of Cincinnati is, with Hashem’s help, more secure in its existence, it is no longer a private undertaking. The Rabbi is its leader. This coming year, it is planned to increase the staff of teachers and to raise the level of learning.
Kashrus is, B”H, one hundred percent organized. We could not expect anything nicer. Vilna would not be ashamed of this order, everything under the moreh d’asrah [resident teacher] and the Va’ad of Kashrus.
The Va’ad Ho’ier can be an example with its meetings, exceptional organization and wise leadership. All the delegates of the synagogues know their responsibilities. Cincinnati Orthodoxy has received its address[??]. One knows to whom to turn. Open eyes guard it. One reckons with our intent, we take a hand in everything to improve it.
We cannot have everything at once. Soon, everyone will see and recognize. We are proud of our charitable deeds. It is controlled through a powerful committee with the moreh d’asrah, and distinguished rabbis, Moshe Elchanan Miller and the honored A. Isaacs and esteemed ba’alei batim who stand at the head of the Va’ad.
Hospitaltiy [hachnasas orchim] is under the eye of the moreh d’asrah and the honored ba’alei batim. Through us a place of lodging and hospitality has been opened in Avondale.
Baruch Hashem, the Orthodox city passed this year in peace, which required great tact, circumspection and good and quiet work. We hope for true unity to come. For every work of charity we are ready and unified. We give our yasher koach to the Social Agency [transliterated from English] for their hearty cooperation in the ma’os chittim fund, which we are devoted to forge a united front. We have demonstrated our will for unity in all matters of charity. We thank [them?] for going hand in hand with the moreh d’asrah in establishing kashrus at Camp Livingston. And we hope in the Children’s Home on Harvey Avenue that kashrus and chinuch will be established.
We give a special yasher koach to the two shuls that have accepted the mitzvah of hearing the words of chachamim and adopted Orthodox customs in their shuls at the request of the Rav.
We are very grateful to our beloved rav hakollel who, without regard to his completely scheduled days, [filled with] rabbinic, practical and governmental matters which demand a gigantic spirit to fulfill, nonetheless has had enough time for us, and with energy and wisdom, goes step by step to strengthen the observant. May the One Above fortify his strength, together with us, to find strength for action [*הפועל אל מכח מוציא]in all things.
We express our thanks and blessing to all the shuls for their trust., dedication and cooperation. With the hospital, there are difficult negotiations: regarding kashrus. We hope for success. Now our first priority is the beis hatvilah [mikveh]. We are very close to having it in Avondale.
We want help to organize a kindergarten and a grade school for girls. We want a youth organization for the Va’ad Hoier. We wish blessings to all the ladies auxiliaries [transliterated from English] of shuls and cultural organizations, who do exceptionally good work with generous love, also the ladies’ tzedakah organizations. We wish all of you a shana tovah umesukah [a good and sweet year].
With the blessings of the Va’ad Hoier, Union of Orthodox Congregations, Cincinnati, Ohio
Our Rav will speak IY”H on Shabbos, the first day of Rosh Hashonoh at the Washington shul, in the morning before mussaf and also at 4:30pm
Sunday, the second day of Rosh Hashonoh before tekios at Tiferes Tzion, Burnet Ave. And 4:30pm after Tashlich at Ohav Sholom Russian shul, Richmond and Mound downtown.
Shabbos Shuva morning at B’nei Yisroel, Rockdale Ave. Shabbos shuva 4:30pm at the Beis Midrash Hagodol, Harvey Ave. Yom Kippur morning at Anshei Sholom Avondale Branch Romanian shul. And the Rav will daven ne’ilah for the public at Knesses Israel shul.
Sukkos, the first day at Ohav Sholom shul and Sukkos the second day at Walnut Hills shul.
[English, “A Happy New Year…”]
Eretz Yisorel esrogim will be provided by the Rav at 820 Hutchins Ave. Shuls and their members should turn to the Rav for their esrogim.
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