Biography of
Born in 1874 in Tauregen, Kovno Gubernia. At the age of sixteen, he was ordained Rabbi, with certificates (Smichos) from the following well known Rabbis: Shlomo Cohen of Vilna, Rabbi Moses Danushefsky of Slabodka, Rabbi Shimon B. Arnolick of Siedlece, Rabbi A. M. Lapidus of Rossieny, Rabbi M. Ziz of Tauragen, Rabbi S. J. Rabinowitz of Shapotzkin, Rabbi E. B. Kamaye of Mir and Rabbi Elyokum Shapiro of Grodna. At the age of twenty-four he was called to the Rabinnate in the city of Harozonwe, Minsker Gubernia, and which position he held for nine years. After that an invitation was extended to him to assume the duties of Rabbi in Seiny, Suvalk Gubernia, which position he held for eight years. In 1915 during the World War he was compelled, like many others, to leave town and wander about from place to place. For a while he rested in Vilna, but was soon forced to move on again, this time to Slutzk. While in Slutzk he was offered the Rabbinical position in Dorpat, and shortly afterwards was named the Chief Rabbi of Esthonia. During his short say in Dorpat the de-
Identifer: CJF.2012.002.6660
Chaim Fishel Epstein; Kneseth Israel Congregation of Cincinnati (Rabbi Silver’s shul); The Talmud / Gemara
Kneseth Israel Congregation Collection
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