Article on the August 1903 Meeting of the Agudas HaRabonim in Philadelphia
From the Cincinnati Enqirer, August 19, 1903, Page 3.
Of Cincinnati, Elected President of Orthodox Jewish Church.
Philadelphia, August 18 - Owing to the volume of business yet to be transacted by the convention of Orthodox Jewish Rabbis of America the sessions will be prolonged until to-morrow night. To-day Rabbi Shereshevsky, of Boston, introduced the question of Zionism. The matter was referred to a committee with instructions to report at the next convention.
Officers were elected to-night as follows: Rabbi A. J. G. Lesser, Cincinnati, President: Rabbi Phillip Israelite, Chelsea, Mass., Secretary: Rabbi B. Abromovtiz, New York, Treasurer. Executive Committee, Rabbis Leventhal, Philadelphia; Zarchi, Louisville; Bilber, Worcester, Mass.; Zevitz Pittsburg; Rappeport, Springfield, Mass; Ginsburg, Rochester; Rabbiner, Rabbinovitz and Haipinstein, New York. Committee on Training Jewish Children, Rabbis Satitsky, Yonkers, N.Y.; Sulzer, Banger, Me.; Shereshevsky, Boston; Israelite, Chelsea; Franklin, Buffalo.
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