Reverse: In the background of the medal is a map of Poland. In the right field is a listing of all of the Ghettos, Concentration Camps and Death Camps that existed in Poland during the Holocaust. Those listed are “LODZ / WARSZAWA / OSWIECIM / TREBLINKA / KRAKOW / KIELCE / MAJDANEK / KALISZ / BOBOWA / IEZAJSN / PLONSK / LELOW / SOPOT / GDANSH / BIALYSTOK / LUBLIN / CHELM”. In the lower field are various Jewish gravestones. In the left center field is the picture of the Nissenbaum Family Foundation’s sign, as well as “FUNDACJA RODZINY NISSENBAUMOW”. Curved around the upper left rim is written in Hebrew “____________ 1999”. Curved around the upper right rim is written in Hebrew “__________”.
Identifer: CJF-RFC2013035
Holocaust Medals, Plaques, Tokens & Pins, Warsaw Ghetto Medals, Plaques, Tokens & Pins
Commissioned by the Nissenbaum Family Foundation to commemorate the visit of Pope John Paul II’s visit to Warsaw Ghetto in 1999. Believe that only 150 of this medal were minted in Silvered Bronze (70mm in diameter). Project and design: Rosana & Andrew Nowakowski. Signed with the monogram ANR.
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