This morning brought me considerable mail that was forwarded by the Orthodox Jewish Home and I want to share with you the contents of one letter, written by Mrs. Samuel N. Cohen, 7830 Dawn Rd., Cincinnati 37. The name and address of the lady fails to bring up a definite person in my mind. No doubt she is a reader of my column in EVERY FRIDAY. Here is what she writes:
Dear Mr. Schmidt: I send this small check with a long explana-tion. It is in memory of Aviva Cohen who was only 10 weeks old when she passed away. But would like it to be used toward the fun of the present residents of the Home. I remember as a child being taken by my father to the Moshav Zekainim in Brooklyn to give great boxes of hard candy to the residents in memory of my grandmother. "A bit of sweet when you are old is appreciated," he said, "and it's easier to suck than to chew when the years come and the teeth go."
I consider the above letter as a bit of Jewish Folk Lore, that reflects the typical sense of humor that is so traditional with us and the tenderness that is so traditional with us towards the old folks.
The mail also brought me the February 2 issue of the EVERY FRIDAY. A bit late, but welcome
nevertheless. I was glad to learn from Marvin Warner's column, JWF Outlook, that Coleman, the son of Lou and Frieda Goldsmith is to be Bar Mitzvah and that date has ben[sic] changed to the 24th of February, so that they could attend the JWF Recognition Dinner on February 25. Mazol Tov, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Goldsmith and Coleman. With that more of our people would consider the JWF important enough to change the date of their son's Bar Mitzvah Celebration after invitations had been sent out. .. . May the Almighty's bless-ings be with the Bar Mitzvah boy and his parents for relinquishing their original date to attend the JWF Recognition Dinner. Over the years, I have consistently considered the JWF as having a rightful claim upon every Jew in our community to give to JWF. Judging by the amount that Rabbi Eliezer Silver con-tributes to the JWF, he must consider it one of the more important Tzedokahs. I guage[sic] my own contribution to JWF by what Rabbi Silver con-tributes.
I fear that personally it will be impossible for me to attend the JWF dinner on February 25, how-ever, my spirit will be there as well as my ardent prayers that the Almighty's blessings should be with all those present. Shalom U'brocho. Phoenix, Ari-zona, February 8.
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