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About a year ago I heard Cantor Sholom Katz when he appeared at the Adath Israel Show-Time program at Castle Farm and was thrilled. It left such a "geshmak" in my memory that I can hardly wait for Tuesday, Feb. 26, when Sholom Katz will appear again in this city as a part of the program of the Chofetz Chaim Community Dinner to be held at the Jewish Center. I am convinced that all of you will feel the "Pintale Yid" within you vibrate most pleasantly while listening to the G—d-given voice of Cantor Katz intoning traditional Hebrew prayers and ancient Jew-ish melodies. I feel so certain about my ap-praisal of Cantor Katz that I am almost tempted to issue a "money back" guarantee. Someone has said already: "To hear Cantor Katz only, is worth the price of the dinner itself which is bound to satisfy the most epicurean tastes. But that is not all. You will also hear a lucid and rational answer to the all-impor-tant question "Why the Chofetz Chaim Day School?" by Rabbi David L. Silver of Harris-burg, Pa., son of our own Rabbi Eliezer Silver, who has established a Day School, similar to the Chofetz Chaim, in the Jewish Community Center of Harrisburg. At the dinner you will hear a full report with details about the proposed new building to house the Chofetz Chaim, to be located next to the Jewish Community Center.
In addition to all this, I may point out that an occasion like the Chofetz Chaim Com-munity Dinner should also have a wholesome effect upon the current Welfare Fund Cam-paign, now in the process of organization. The Chofetz Chaim is a beneficiary of the Welfare Fund, nevertheless, there is need for better mutual respect and understanding. The presence of representative groups at this dinner from the Welfare Fund, the Associate Jewish Agencies and its affiliates, could con-tribute a great deal towards the success of the Welfare Fund Campaign. I am authorized by Rabbi Eliezer Silver and by Meyer Gold-berg, president of the Chofetz Chaim and chairman of the Board of Trustees, to state that the entire Jewish Community may con-sider this as an official invitation to the Cho-fetz Chaim Community Dinner, Tuesday eve-ning, Feb. 26, at the Jewish Community Center. Still, that is not all. A real surprise awaits you. A pleasant surprise. A surprise in which you will be glad and proud to participate in. I can say no more on this score. To say more would destroy the score, as it were! The price per plate for the delicious gour-met style dinner is $5.00. Reservations, ac-companied by check may be mailed to Cho-fetz Chaim, 3669 Reading Road, Cincinnati 29, Ohio.
World Famous Cantor Will Be Featured At Chofetz Chaim Dinner
Cantor Sholom Katz of Washington, D. C., world-famous concert artist, will be featured at the Chofetz Chaim Com-munity Dinner on Tuesday, February 26, at 6:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center.
Child Prodigy
Born in Oradea, Rumania, Can-tor Katz was acclaimed a child prodigy at the age of five and studied music for many years at the Viennese Musical Academy. It was Cantor Katz's voice that saved him from death. After four years in a concentration. camp, he was given a shovel and pick-axe and told to dig his own grave. He pleaded that he be allowed to sing. All night he sang the El Molei Rachamin — the prayer for the dead — and was finally told by the commandant, "Vanish, Jew; a voice such as yours should not be stilled."
All Over Europe
At the request of the Voice of America, Cantor Katz's concerts have been re-broadcast all over Europe. In 1950, his recording of "El Molei Rachmim," the Prayer for the Six Million Dead, won the international "Prix du Disque," the first time it had been awarded to a cantorial record.
Award of Year
Cantor Katz was given the award of "Cantor of the Year" in 1952 in New York by the World Committee for the Furtherance of Jewish Education.
Identifer: CJF.2016.020.010
Cincinnati Hebrew Day School (Chofetz Chaim); Rabbi Silver’s Involvement with Major Jewish Organizations and Causes; Rabbi Silver's Family
This scrapbook contains newspaper clippings, programs, photographs and other documents from 1963 - 1967. These documents regard Rabbi Eliezer Silver, his family and his involvement in Jewish organizations.
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