Golf Manor Synagogue Agudas Israel Dedication Book 1958
From the Rabbis Desk
"And they shall make for me a sanctuary that I may dwell amongst them." Exodus XXX 25-8
Ever since God gave this commandment to the Children of Israel, our people have built Temples and Synagogues for the glory of their Creator. The Tabernacle in the wilderness of Sinai, King Solomon's Temple, the second temple built by Ezra and his followers, the great Synagogue of Alexandria and the thousands of other Houses of Worship from Babalonia through Asia Minor, Western, Central and Eastern Europe, have all been an attempt by man to commune with his Creator; to have His spirit rest among the multitude. In dedicating this Syangogue, let us remember that His presence can not be captured in the brick and mortar, lumber ,or steel, but rather through the spirit that prevails within its portals. Only a Synagogue built upon the age-old Jewish traditions is worthy of the Divine "Shechina." Let us not dedicate but rather be dedicated to those ideals which have carried us through the "Deluge of History," the ideals of Torah-True Judaism. May the eyes of the Lord be upon this House of Worship and His protecting care upon all who visit it.
"May the presence of the Lord rest in the accomplishments of our efforts." Rabbi David Indich
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