Translation of the letter:
To: the esteemed scholar, Rabbi Eliezer Silver (to long life)
BH, Cheshvan 5726 (1966)
In the newspaper “gates” from the 14th of Shevat 5726 (1966) his honor was invited by Mr. Noach Chadash to participate in the Shemita (sabbatical year) foundation, whose purpose is to help, through constructive loans to the Shemita-observers, to keep their plots and find sustainability during the Shemita-year.
I am hopeful that his honor will respond generously. In order that we should be able to help farmers endure this holy task, and observe the Shemita-year according to its Hallacha.
We are asking his honor to send us, along with his generous contribution, a list of his friends (along with their addresses), that his honor is willing to invite them through “the chain” that they too shall contribute to the Shemita-fund.
With all the respect and recognition
(-) Kalman Kahana - Chairman of the board
Attached: newspaper clipping.
His honor can send his generous contribution by check, wire transfer from the postal bank, or using the attached form.
Identifer: CJF-KI2012005
Jewish Learning & Halacha (Jewish Law); Charity / Tzedakah; Shmita (the Sabbatical Year in the Land of Israel); Eretz Yisroel (The Land of Israel); Rabbi Silver’s Involvement with Major Jewish Organizations and Causes
Kneseth Israel Congregation Collection
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