Translation of the newspaper clipping:
Rabbi Noach Chadash, chairman of the board of directors of PA”Y in the United States, contributes 100 dollars to the Shemita(sabbatical year)-campaign, and invites the scholar, Rabbi Eliezer Silver (to long life), Rabbi Yehuda Altovski, Rabbi Menachem Chodorov, Rabbi Yosef Lokshtein, Rabbi Dr. M. R. Weiss, Rabbi Yechezkel Besser, Rabbi Y. Small, Rabbi Pinchas Teitz, Rabbi Dovid Lifshitz, Rabbi Y. Gorelik, Rabbi Dr. B. Bergman to contribute their contributions to the Shemita-fund.
Identifer: CJF-KI2012005
Jewish Learning & Halacha (Jewish Law); Charity / Tzedakah; Shmita (the Sabbatical Year in the Land of Israel); Eretz Yisroel (The Land of Israel); Rabbi Silver’s Involvement with Major Jewish Organizations and Causes
Kneseth Israel Congregation Collection
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