Program for "Crooks for a Month," play put on by the A. Z. A. Detroit-Windsor Council, 1929

December 1929

Identifer: CJF.2014.010.005

Construction paper;Inks

Aleph Zadik Aleph is an international youth-led fraternity organization for Jewish teenagers founded in 1924 in Omaha, Nebraska. In 1925,  B’nai B’rith adopted Aleph Zadik Aleph as its primary youth program at their National Convention.

The Detroit-Windsor Council of AZA was formed July, 1929. Three chapters of AZA are represented on the council: Detroit No. 63, Adolph Freund No. 93, and Theodore Herzl No. 112.

Related Objects Letter to the Detroit-Windsor Council from the Supreme Advisory Council of the Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph, 1930 The Jewish Center Life, Vol. 6 No. 7, featuring dates for A.Z.A Meetings and Events Newspaper clippings regarding the A. Z. A. Detroit-Windor Council's Play, "Crooks for a Month," 1929 Newspaper Clipping regarding the A. Z. A. Detroit-Windsor Council hosting the Sixth Annual International Tournament, 1930 Program for the Sixth Annual Tournament of Aleph Zadik Aleph, hosted by the Detroit-Windsor Chapter, 1930 Letter of Congratulations from the Jewish Centers Associate to Edward Kay, 1930 Thank You Letter sent to Edward Kay from the Jewish Centers Association Photocopy of Photograph of Unknown Children Program for two performances put on by the Arts Society of Temple Beth El, January, 1930 Program for two performances put on by the Arts Society of Temple Beth El, March, 1930

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