"Al Chet Shechotonu — "
GUILTY was I of questioning your willingness to co-operate with your leaders in this noble effort to commemorate fittingly the fiftieth year of this congregation's progress, from hardly more than two "minyan" to its present eminence as a leading congregation of Cincinnati. My doubts arose more from my own impatience than from any apparent unwillingness on the part of the members to do their part in this project and in the beginning I debated with myself whether I should even continue in my humble position, but now you have my--
APOLOGY for entertaining such misgivings. Humbly I take back any untoward utterance that I may have made in moments of anxiety when it seemed that only a few ardent souls cared whether there was an anniversary observance or not. I found that it was my own imagination and not any reluctance on your part that caused my early disillusionment which, however, soon turned to warm-hearted team-work with many of the congregation taking the initiative in most able fashion. For all this I----
THANK YOU most sincerely. Your undaunted cooperation and
your eagerness to accept responsibility for onerous tasks conforms admirably to the high standards of service established by those humble but hard-work-ng beginners whose courage and achievement we are now commemorating. This golden jubilee has been a golden opportunity for me to know my fellow-men better and again I say, my deepest gratitude and respect to all of you.
Executive Vice Chairman
Golden Jubilee Committee
Identifer: CJF-GM2011001
Golf Manor Synagogue, Congregation Agudas Israel; Synagogue Books, Postcards, Pictures & Medals
Golf Manor Synagogue
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