Greetings from MR. and MRS. SOLOMON GELLER
MR. AND MRS. SOLOMON GELLER were married in 1921 in Russia, arriving in the United States in June, 1922. Mr. Geller began in bus-iness as a peddler, canvassing from house to house, in Poorfork, Ky., which later became known as Cumberland, Ky. With G-d's help, and hard work by Mr. and Mrs. Geller, they were able to buy a piece of property and open a small ready-to-wear store. The business prospered until the Depression was felt in the coal fields; in July, 1931 Mr. Geller, his wife and four sons moved to Harlan, Ky., where they opened another store.
Mr. Geller's family was one of 25 Jewish fam-ilies inhabiting Harlan. Realizing the need for Jewish culture and education, he was founder in 1931, of the first Shul and Cheder. He was the first president of the Shul and since leaving has been its honorary president. In addition to his activities in the Shul, Mr. Geller was a charter
member of the first B'nai B'rith Lodge in Harlan and was its second president. Mrs. Geller organ-ized the first Sisterhood in the Harlan Shul and also served as the president.
In 1947 Mr. and Mrs. Geller moved to Cin-cinnati and have resided here since. Immediately upon arriving he became identified with every phase of Jewish communal activities and is a member of most Jewish organizations. Among them are: B'nai B'rith, Z. 0. A., Chofetz Chaim, Talmud Torah-Beth Am and various Synagogues. He is a board member of quite a few.
Mr. and Mrs. Geller presented to Agudath Achim Synagogue in Roselawn its first Sepher Torah. As a result they were given a life hon-orary membership.
As a student of Jewish history Mr. Geller felt the need of loyalty to the Holy Land, and with Mrs. Geller spent 4 weeks in Israel in 1955, and also traveled to other countries while in Europe. But their dreams of Israel were fulfilled by their visit. They witnessed the beauty, culture and strength of this new nation: a nation which Mr. and Mrs. Geller say all Jews should be proud to be a part of.
In conclusion the Gellers wish it to be noted that in the Sedra Vayishlach we read that Jacob said: "I lived with Laban." The Rabbis add a comment on the word "garti:" I lived with La-ban and at the same time strived to observe the 613 Commandments. (The letters of 613 are the anagramic equivalent of the word "Garti") Im Laban Garti—V'taryag Mitzvos Shomarti.
Identifer: CJF-CHDS2012001
Cincinnati Hebrew Day School (Chofetz Chaim); Miscellaneous Cincinnati Jewish Organizations
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