SOMECH NOFLIM Ladies Benevolent Society
THE LADIES' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY was founded in 1897 in the grocery store of Mr. and Mrs. Mendel Rubin at Sixth and Smith Streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, for the purpose of assisting those who needed help, but were too hesitant to ask for relief.
Present at that time were Mrs. Rose Billilov, Mrs. Philip Mincovsky, Mrs. Hannah Hirschman, Mrs. Shifra Oscherwitz and Mrs. Frooma Pelta Sher. Mrs. Billilov was elected president, and Mrs. Hannah Hirschman was elected secretary and treasurer. Following the death of Mrs. Hannah Hirschman in 1935 the Society was reorganized and the following officers were elected: Mrs. Harry Tennenbaum, president; Mrs. Rebecca Rubin, first vice-president; Mrs. Harry Guttman, second vice-president; Mrs. Philip Lisner, recording secretary; Mrs. Kalman Shneider, financial secretary and treasurer; Mrs. Bert Menachof, auditor.
In 1936 Mrs. Rebecca Rubin became president and served until the year 1942, when Mrs. Harry Franklin was elected president and Mrs. Rebecca Rubin became the honorary president. Many of the children and grandchildren of the Founders of this worthy organization are members today, helping carry on this humanitarian work of assisting temporary and borderline needy cases. The Society has also established a Fund for Refugee Children in Israel. Present officers include: Mrs. Harry E. Franklin, president; Mrs. Harry Guttman, first vice-president; Mrs. Carl Tepper, second vice-president; Mrs. Philip Lisner, recording secretary, Mrs. Kalman Shneider, financial secretary; Mesdames Sam Galanty, Fred Samuelson and Harry Moschinsky, correspond-ing secretaries; Mrs. Sophie Peerless, auditor. Meetings are held every fourth Monday of the month.
History submitted by Mrs. Kalman Shneider
Identifer: CJF-CHDS2012001
Cincinnati Hebrew Day School (Chofetz Chaim); Miscellaneous Cincinnati Jewish Organizations
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