Rabbi Eliezer Silver
25th Anniversary Tribute
Rabbi Eliezer Silver, one of World Jewry's most distinguished scholars and dynamic leaders has earned a glorious page in the annals of Cincinnati Orthodox Jewish history. Since his arrival 25 years ago, Rabbi Silver's phenomenal scope of activity has encompassed every phase of Jewish life. Among Rabbi Silver's many contributions to traditional Jewish living in Cincinnati are: the building of the Beth Sholom Synagogue in Price hill, the building of a modern, sanitary Mikveh, the organization of Kashrut in the city, the organization of a Kosher Kithcen as the Jewish Hospital, the Kosher Restaurant downtown, organization of the United Committee for Orthodox Charities, establishment of the Chofetz Chaim Day School, and many other accomplishments too numerous to mention here. As President of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States and of the Agudath Israel of America and as the More D'Asro, dean of Cincinnati's Orthodox Jewry, Rabbi Silver represents the exemplary Jewish leader. May the Almighty grant him the good health to continue his holy work.
Identifer: CJF-CHDS2012001
Cincinnati Hebrew Day School (Chofetz Chaim); Miscellaneous Cincinnati Jewish Organizations
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