whether it results in profit or in loss; (10) we expressly stipulate that we will not be able to [come later and] say “but I have dispensed you to establish things [properly], not to ruin them”. All of this has been executed through an unequivocal transactional kinyan (lit. acquisition. In context, an act that establishes a new status) through [the transfer of] a handkerchief, invoking both personal as well as material liability, in the manner deemed most effective according to Torah law, to take effect immediately. With the force of a biblical oath and rabbinical injunction we hereby validate and confirm all future actions of the aforementioned agents. They have permission to translate this power-of-attorney into the script and language of the country and [in accordance with] its laws, so that it may be considered valid according to both Jewish and civil law. This power-of-attorney shall be in effect always, with all the effectiveness of documents that have traditionally been used by Jews according to the principles that have been established by our sages of blessed memory. It may be produced at any time for the benefit, and to ascertain the right of, the agents. It shall not be rendered ineffective due to missing or extra letters, ink smears, deletions and erasures, or any type of defect or flaw at all. This power-of-attorney has been issued openly and publicly, not as a surety or a document-blank. Every man and woman [signatory] has arrived in his proper time, here in Cincinnati, Ohio.
This is all binding and affirmed.
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