February 6 1952
February 6, 1952
For a great many years JELL-O-GELATIN Desserts have been accepted as Treifa until Rabbis SAMUEL BASKIN of Hewes St. Synagogue and SIMON WINO-GRAD endorsed it as kosher.
The Union of Orthodox Rabbis, located at 132 Nassau St., New York City, called Rabbis Baskin and Winograd to a meeting of the executive committee held on the 10th of Cheshvan, 5712, at which time it was proven that Jell-o-Gelatin Dessert is made from skins and bones of "chaz-arim" and other non kosher animals.
Consequently, Rabbis Baskin and Winograd made and signed a statement at that meeting as follows:
"Whereas the endorsement that we gave to the Atlantic Gelatin Co. (JELL-O-GELATIN DESSERTS) was brought to trial at a special meeting of the ex-ecutive committee of the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of U.S. and Canada; and whereas after proof that the production of this gelatin is not kosher, we re-voke our endorsement and we pledge ourselves to notify the Company and the general public of our withdrawal of the hechsher. Signed, SAMUEL BASKIN SHIMEON WINOGRAD
An inquiry has been made to the Union of Orthodox Rabbis whether they are aware of any improvements in the present process of Jell-o, to which they replied that as of to-day they have no knowledge of any improve-ments and that Rabbis Baskin and Winograd have not submitted any evidence of any improvement to make it Kosher.
Therefore, it is accepted that JELL-O remains in the same status of non-kosher as attested to by Rabbis Bas-kin and Winograd in their signed statement.
For Confirmation Call: Union of Orthodox Rabbis of U.S. and Canada 132 Nassau St., N. Y. C.
Vaad Harabonim--213 East Broadway, N. Y. C.
or your Local Rabbis
Identifer: CJF.2012.002.1609
Questions in Halacha (Jewish Law); Vaad Hoier of Cincinnati & Kashrus Issues; Agudas HaRabonim (The Union of Orthodox Rabbis of the United States and Canada)
Kneseth Israel Congregation Collection
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