United Jewish Appeal Ad from 1947 Raising Funds for Displaced Jews in Europe
It took a miracle put this backyard here
This is the backyard of a young immigrant family recently brought to Israel. Do you think the most wonder-fully landscaped garden could look as beautiful to them as this little plot of rough grass—all their own—under the morning sun that shines on their own new free land of Israel? It took a miracle to put this little backyard on this spot. A miracle wrought by brave hearts and strong hands the world around.
It took the courage and the tenac-ity of the young men and women of Israel who fought and died to main-tain the integrity of their new State. It took the self-sacrifice and devo-tion of all the people of Israel who have stinted themselves to provide for the homeless and oppressed pour-ing through their gates. It took the generous assistance of the people of America who rose to the demands of an historic hour. And though a tremendous job has
been done, the good fight is not yet over. Remember as you look at these happy young parents, these appeal-ing little Israelis with their dishpan tub, that there are families just like them— just as appealing, just as eager, just as obviously "good stuff" for the making of a great nation—waiting in tents and barracks for a home and a chance. How can we stop before they too are settled in their own backyard? We can put them there.
United Jewish Appeal
on behalf of the Resettlement and Reconstructive Programs of the Joint Distribution Commit., United Palestine Appeal and United Service for New Americans HENRY MORGENTHAU, JR., General Chairman • 165 WEST 46. STREET, NEW YORK 19, N. Y. TIME, JANUARY 16, 1950
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