Constitution and By-Laws of the Covedale Cemetery Association (Cincinnati, Ohio)
ITEM I. This organization shall be known as the Covedale Cemetery Association consisting of the following organizations, to-wit:
Prospect Avenue Shule
Forest Avenue Shule
Washington Avenue Shule
Yad Charutzam
Norwood Shule
Price Hill Shule
Walnut Hills Schule
American Burial Society
Galitzianer Society
New Hope Society
whose purpose shall be the successful operation of Covedale Cemetery for the mutual benefit of all, and is to be operated on a non-profit basis.
ITEM II. All Shules and organizations that have cemeteries at Covedale are eligible for membership in this organization upon payment of their assessments.
ITEM III. Election of officers shall take place every year in April, and are to be elected for a one-year term.
ITEM IV. All elected officers shall be present at each meeting. Should they be absent three consecutive meetings their office shall be declared vacant and they are to be replaced by special election, to be held the next meeting following the aforesaid declared vacancy.
ITEM V. Each organization belonging to the Covedale Cemetery Association shall pay their assessments six months in advance and at least one month before the assessment is de. Secretary will notify each organization to that effect.
ITEM VI. The officers shall consist of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary. (a) Chairman shall preside at all meetings and look after the welfare of the Covedale Cemetery Association. (b) Vice Chairman shall preside in place of Chairman. (c) Secretary shall keep the minutes of each meeting and notify the board of any complains and communications and take care of all necessary correspondence. (d) Treasurer shall pay all bills ordered by the Association.
ITEM VII. Association shall meet at least once every eight weeks. Each organization and shule is entitled to have one member belong to the board. The board shall have full and final power to act on any new changes contemplated in the up-keep of the cemeteries,, such as, installation of fences, roads, etc., keeping in mind at all times the effect of such changes upon the general well-being and welfare of the entire Covedale Cemetery.
Every shule or organization must have their own cemetery committee to take care of their…..
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