Constitution of the Orthodox Jewish Home for the Aged - Cincinnati, Ohio
b) The name of the Donor and the amount donated shall be inscribed in a special Keren Kayemes Record in the Golden Book of the Home and also inscribed on a special Keren Kayemes Memorial Tablet in the Home.
Sec. 3. The Endowment Fund shall be admin-istered by the present Board of three (3) trus-tees. Said trustees are Mr. Samuel Glass, whose term shall be for life, Mrs. A. Hirschman, whose term shall be nine (9) years from January 1, 1957, and Mr. Samuel Shapiro, whose term shall be nine (9) years from January 1, 1957. In the event of the death or incapacity of a trustee, or expiration of the term of said trustee, the President and the living trustees shall ap-point a successor trustee. The term of said trus-tee shall be for three (3) years.
Sec. 4. A person donating Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars or more shall be known as a founder of the Keren Kayemes.
The amendments above were proposed by the following members:
Ben N. Ritter Dora Fisher Sidney C. Brant Nathan Steinberg Robert Jacobs Sidney Deutsch Mrs. Ben Bernstein Isidore Butchkes
George Rosen Anna Berman J. Jacobson Nathan Bernstein Eli Fogel Jack Sachs Louis I. Neman Milton Wacksman
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