History of The Norwood Congregation (B'Nai Avraham - Cincinnati, Ohio)
It would take too long to mention he-e, all of the officers of the Congregation and Auxiliary who have served so well and faithfully during the past years. Suffice to mention the present Presidents of the Congregation and its Ladies' Auxiliary who have served for many years. Mr. Julius Sass, President of the Con-gregation for 18 years and Mrs. Anna Zorndorf, who has been Presi-dent of the Auxiliary for 22 years. We will long remember them and their long and faithful service to the Synagogue and its members.. Just as the Synagogue got older -- 55 years old - so its members got older. We were not able to keep up this synagogue; so we have often faced with the problem of "What to Do?". Consolidation with another Congregation was decided upon. We are consolidating with a young, active congregation. This synagogue will go on living in the activities of this new consoli-dated Congregation and their children. To paraphrase a familiar saying: "Old Synagogues do not die, they consolidate".
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